Bitcoin designed
30 November, 2019

This project and its resources are available at
About the project
Bitcoin designed is a collection of design resources about Bitcoin related topics.
The goal of this project is to share knowledge and graphic resources other people can use to teach about Bitcoin and also learn themselves. It started back in 2015 as bitcoinfographics, a website that hosted infographics about some topics in Bitcoin.
The complete re-branding was made in late 2017 to widen the scope of the project and allow for a greater variety of resources to be shared with time.
I’m the lead designer of the project, being responsible for the whole branding, the web design and development (HTML and CSS), as well as the creation of the infographics and other shared resources.
I work in partnership with a developer and consultant on Bitcoin, who helps me with the back-end for the application and reviews the technical content in the resources.
The brand
The soul of this project is all about creativity and colorfulness but also cleanness. It’s a free design initiative so I could go for risky and bold elements. But it’s also about learning, so having a clear organization and layout is essential.
The logo reflects these values with its bright colors and playfulness of the cursive font. At the same time that the limitations imposed, such as the simple geometry of the symbol and the use of only two different hues, guarantee a clean and sharp look.
The website
The concepts behind the website are purposefully simple. It’s a fully responsible gallery to display the resources, accompanied only by a small about page. This reduces the clutter and improves content discoverability, since the main objective of the page is to provide access to the materials. The forms of navigation are very intuitive. The primary menu is only used to travel between the home and about page. When you scroll down, you are able to select which content you want to see based on the theme tags or you can scan all available resources. When clicking on a resource, you get to see more details, as well as the full content. And you’re able to travel back and forth between resources using the previous/next arrows. The live website can be seen here: