Curated Projects

Bitcoin UX Research

This research is meant to provide in-depth qualitative knowledge of how people use or perceive Bitcoin. By doing so, we hope that solution creators will be able to empathise with the problems, needs, and goals of Bitcoin users and potential adopters.

Bitcoin designed

Bitcoin designed is a collection of design resources about Bitcoin related topics.

Lightning wallet wireframes

Wireframes concepts for a Bitcoin Lightning network wallet.

Privacy is everywhere

Privacy is everywhere is a short animation video about how ubiqutous is the value of privacy in our daily lives.

Boa Pedida App

Boa Pedida is a fictional Brazilian startup project of an app to promote and find restaurants that offer food for people with dietary restrictions, such as gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan.

Lightning Network UX Research

Independent UX research about the intial state of the Bitcoin's Lightning network and its future perspectives. It was conducted using heuristics as its main research technique.

Wasabi wallet

Illustrated infographic explaining the problem solved by Wasabi Wallet.


The Akredito project was a fintech application created to solve a common financial problem in Brazil.

Bitcoin GIF

Animated GIF art.


txplab was a tech consulting company focused on startups and small businesses.

Infographic collection

Collection with a few of my previous infographic work.